Book Review Archive

As If Sand Were Stone Review

“As If Sand Were Stone” reaches well beyond New York and Lagos, speaking to coastal urbanism more broadly – a condition of planetary prominence and one under increasing threat from sea level rise, storm surges and subsidence. There are lessons we can take with us.


Kate Dawson

Passing Orders, Review by Tristan Sturm

Passing Orders re-deploys queer theory concerns with sovereignty, ontology, and futurity by applying them to neocharismatic Christian demonology literature, that which demonizes queer, black, indigenous, and colonized bodies as integrally, inevitably, and incontestably other.


Tristan Sturm

Decolonisation and Methodological Nationalism: Placing Empire at the Centre of the Analysis

This essay brings into conversation two recent books in this field that expound a different set of decolonial projects. In these books, Nadine El-Enany and Gary Wilder refuse to position the nation-state, with its bounded national territorial logic, as the frame of the analysis, thereby rejecting ‘methodological nationalism’.


Dallas Rogers, Jake Davies, Pranita Shrestha and Xiao Ma

The War Lawyers, Review by Tracey Blasenheim

The War Lawyers expertly reveals how lawyers in the 'kill chain' make possible “juridically sanctioned violence” and upend attempts to humanize warfare through law. Yet, to whom do these legal arguments speak? Can lawyers legitimize imperial war?


Tracey Blasenheim

Black Food Matters Review

Struggling for equity in production and consumption of food without reckoning with the larger, ever-evolving structures of racial capitalism that were “never created for Black survival” (Garth & Reese, 2020: 3) will never produce justice.


Jed DeBruin

The University as a Settlement Principle Review

Parsing the entanglement of Italian urbanism and campus design in the post-1968 moment, Francesco Zuddas recounts a set of spatial responses to the popular discontent that had crested by way of academia onto Italy’s national sociopolitical scene.


Bader AlBader

The Role of Forgetting in the Liberal World Order

Bevins’s "Jakarta Method" shows that the conception of a hesitant, cautious liberalism on the global stage itself depends on a selective geopolitical amnesia. Only by forgetting the savagery through which American-led globalization occurred can the order it built come to seem natural or just.


Sammy Feldblum

The Sense of Brown, review by Moon Charania

Sense of Brown is more than a sketch of brownness as an ontology of relations; it is an opportunity to sit inside Muñoz’s writing and thinking space, an almost wistful feeling of being in his thoughts as they formed, as they firmed. Reading Muñoz’s essays invokes a meditative feeling, one gets a sense that Muñoz was reflecting on his ideas, the drafty in/coherence of this ensemble reveal the essay as process.


Moon Charania

Work Won’t Love You Back, Review by Jared Spears

Sarah Jaffe’s Work Won’t Love You Back considers the changing cultural compulsions that surround work as it increasingly makes demands not only on our time, but on our inner lives as well.


Jared Spears

Review of The Promise of Infrastructure

In a piece focused on time and its infrastructural entanglements, Zannah Matson examines how the promise of infrastructure structures our relationship to the future, and thinks alongside the unfinished and interrupted forms that infrastructures often take.


Zannah Matson