Book Reviews

Editor's Pick

Urban and Urbanization

Master Plans & Minor Acts: Review

Hudani demonstrates the importance of theorizing repair, enabling us to spatialize a Levinasian ethics of the neighbor, in the aftermath of traumatic events ranging from mass killings to large-scale dispossession.


Zachary Levenson


Book Reviews

Urban and Urbanization

Master Plans & Minor Acts: Review

Hudani demonstrates the importance of theorizing repair, enabling us to spatialize a Levinasian ethics of the neighbor, in the aftermath of traumatic events ranging from mass killings to large-scale dispossession.


Zachary Levenson

Urban and Urbanization

The Right to Be Counted: Review

The Right to Be Counted offers a compelling analysis of citizenship struggles of the urban poor in contemporary times.


Paroj Banerjee

Settler Colonial and Indigenous Geographies

Violent Inheritance Book Review

E Cram's Violent Inheritance mobilizes a network of energy grammars and analytics to argue for another story of sexual modernity, one that accounts for the body as ecological and administered by, and producing in turn, racial and sexualized value in the North American West.


KT Thompson


Book Reviews

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