Maps and Mapping

Charts the role that maps and various other forms of geo-visualisation play in the production of space. Offers a critical forum for investigating older modes of cartographic representation as well as newer approaches to big data and the politics of algorithmic and other data-driven processes.

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“History can’t be written without us in the center”: Colonial trauma, the cartographic body, and decolonizing methodologies in urban planning

Drawing on the concept of ‘cuerpo-territorio,’ we conceptualize non-Western “other mappings” as situated and historical performances that center embodied experiences, such as the multiple and persistent traumas of coloniality, that are invisibilized in Cartesian cartographic processes. In doing so, these mappings unveil how Cartesian cartography does the traumatic work of coloniality while fostering alternative, embodied spatial imaginaries based on situated practices and visceral geographies.


Bjørn Sletto, Magdalena Novoa, Raksha Vasudevan

Cartographies of poverty: Rethinking statistics, aesthetics and the law

The article explores cartographic and statistical registers of poverty as geo-legal technologies operating across shifting visual economies which structure ways of seeing and concealing ‘the poor’ in the urban landscape.


Moniza Rizzini Ansari

The skin of the map: Viewing cartography through tactile empathy

Drawing from multisensory visual ethnography, this paper explores the perspective of ‘tactile empathy’ through photographic/video recordings based on the matching of seen and experienced touch described by neuroscientists.


Tania Rossetto

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