A curation of articles, essays, book reviews and interviews on critical geographical concerns.
Interrogates the spatial dimensions of state power. Contributions analyze the material practices and modes of knowledge particular to anti-statist revolt, citizenship, bordering, interstate conflict, nationalism, political representation, segregation, sovereignty, surveillance, and warcraft among other areas. Especially attentive to demands for alternative forms of political life outside formal state channels.
What is it about this conjuncture that makes the unprecedented use of force with which UC Berkeley reclaimed People’s Park acceptable and even desirable for so many? We examine the pressures and opportunities, strategies for winning consent, and counter-hegemonic tactics at different scales.
Byler finds that what’s going on in Xinjiang is not only violation of rights, nor simply authoritarianism, racism or Islamophobia, but rather the production and conquering of a new, colonial frontier of ethno-racialized global capitalism.
What happens at the UN climate negotiations? In her new book, In Quest of a Shared Planet, Dr. Naveeda Khan examines the multi-dimensional and chaotic space of these meetings. She demonstrates how diverse Global South actors, from negotiators to activists to experts, influence global climate policy, and why countries like Bangladesh keep taking an active seat at the table after decades of limited action.
In Animal Traffic, Rosemary-Claire Collard combines Marxist theory with animal studies to offer a powerful analysis of how capitalism structures human-animal relations, and what the “oddity” (2020: 8) of the exotic pet case can teach us about our more common relations with animals.
Drawing on the theory of the Paradigm of Governing and the Paradigm of Dwelling by the philosopher Fernández-Savater, this paper attempts to theorise a spatial politics of care through an ethnographic analysis of three grassroots initiatives – a social kitchen, an accommodation centre with refugees and a community centre – set up in Athens (Greece) as a counter-response to the crisis politics via austerity enforced in the country (2010–2018), as well as to the renewed EU border system (2016).